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Systems integration and automation

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Systems integration and automation

Cloud Zone Integration

System integration is a specialized process that enables manufacturing industries to apply safe, low-risk automation technology to the systems they already use. At its most basic level, system integration will match existing products and systems with new ones, ensuring that they work together to achieve optimum productivity.

Cloud Zone builds your enterprise resource planning (ERP) system to manage all business processes and automate various backend functions that do not need to be performed manually. in many ways,
The ERP software integrates all aspects of operations including product planning and development, purchasing, vendor management, manufacturing, sales and marketing, all in one database and user interface.

Automation & Integration

Clouds zone Automation Solutions

We can perform migration services from old, obsolete automation platforms to newer more advanced platforms, or we can provide migration from one brand to another. When performing system integration, we can also customize human machine interface (HMI) graphics to meet your operators’ requirements for ergonomics and control.

Does your business need system integration? If so, call CloudsZone Automation to find out what we can do for you.